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Địu baby Eightex - Made in JP

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Mã sản phẩm:

Giá bán: 2,000,000đ

Giá KM: 1,800,000đ

Trạng thái: Hết hàng
Giỏ hàng:

Đặt hàng

Miêu tả

Địu em bé cao cấp 5 cách

Sử dụng cho trẻ từ 0-36 tháng

Sản xuất: Eightex - Nhật Bản

  • A cool pad keeping you comfortable while going out with a baby carrier.
  • Insert the heat absorbing gel pack in the pocket to diminish heat and moisture between mommy and the baby.
  • The comfotable border fabric also blocks UV, protecting your skin from the sun.
  • The fabric material quickly absorbs and dries sweat, keeping your skin nice and comfortable.
  • Simply attach on clothing or baby carriers with the clip.

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